Three Sisters Mountains, Sisters, OR
John 14:2 NLT
There is more than enough room in my Father’s home.
Even though my mom has been gone from this earth for nearly 30 years, in my mind’s eye, I still see her sitting in her green chair reading a book. When I was far from home, at college, the Army, living in another state, I always took comfort in being able to picture where she was and what she was doing. Someone else lives in her apartment now and that green chair is long gone, but I can see it as clear as a picture. It feels comforting and reassuring that no matter where I roam, no matter how long the separation, my mom is waiting for me at home.
I know she isn’t waiting at her earthly home, but my imagination doesn’t comprehend the grandeur of heaven, so I imagine what I know. It also comforts and reassures me that no matter the length of time since Jesus ascended into heaven until He calls me home, there is space set aside just for me. And not just for me, the enormity of the family of God is only limited by our choice to accept His invitation or not.