Deschutes Land Trust, Camp Sherman, OR
1 Corinthians 16:14 GNT
Do all your work in love.
I have often said, “I don’t have a lot of money, but you can have my time, my hair, and my blood!” Donating my hair to Locks of Love, donating blood, walking for MS or ALS, volunteering at the museum, or planting trees for Deschutes Land Trust are all work I’ve done with love because I believe in the impact that these activities can have. But I’m not going to tell a falsehood, I don’t always do all my work in love. My husband knows this based on how loud I sometimes put the dishes away. Let’s just say, we do not have soft close cupboards!
I have also had some work environments where I haven’t always acted in a loving way. In retrospect, it’s because I thought I could do it all. New flash…. I’m not that great! If I had kept my focus on the impact I was making on others instead of focusing on the impact situations were having on me, then I would have had a much easier time working in love. I’ve been blessed with some wonderful jobs, even if I didn’t think so at the time. I worked for an oxygen company. Oxygen! You know, that stuff we all need to breathe! Talk about an impact in people’s lives – making sure they could breathe! When I started there, I had no idea about sleep apnea. What I learned at that job saved my husband’s life! I was also blessed to make a true friend for life, but at the time, all I could see was mountains of paperwork, intricate medical forms, and a non-stop ringing telephone.
God doesn’t make mistakes. He puts us where He needs us to be. Around AD 53, the Apostle Paul was helping the Corinthians learn to be a reflection of Jesus, the ultimate example of love. He left those instructions for us today as well. Some days, it is just not that easy. I know that! After a lot, and I mean A LOT, of life lessons, trial and error, I have learned that if I take my eyes off the dirty dishes and put them on the health of my family, the perspective shifts. If I can lovingly plant trees for someone I don’t know, but begrudge a load (or maybe 15 loads) of laundry for someone I profess to love, what does that say about my focus? I recently bought a simple bracelet. It is a single thread with silver round and elongated beads. It represents WWJD in morse code – What Would Jesus Do. It reminds me – Jesus did everything, and I mean everything, in love. I won’t be perfect (in fact I’ve failed several times just today!) But the best I can do is try to keep my eyes on Jesus so others can see His love within me.