Military Working Dog Teams National Monument, San Antonio, TX
Ephesians 6:17 NLT
Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Would you head to work without your shoes? My mom laughingly would recount the story about my first day of kindergarten. When I arrived home, I informed her I wasn’t returning the next day because they made me wear my shoes the entire day! A common dream (or nightmare) for people is showing up at work or giving a presentation accidentally naked! My grandmothers were of a generation that didn’t dare set foot out of the house without wearing lipstick. We are very good at preparing our bodies to be in public, but how are we at preparing our minds? Everyday there is the onslaught of earthly and spiritual assaults. Even though it seems like a sickening analogy, popular culture is mental combat. Are we just as prepared to face those spiritual situations as we are to face our workday?
Soldiers preparing for combat have a Kevlar helmet & vest, a protective mask, a weapon, boots, uniform, eye protection, ammunition, and an assortment of knowledge from extensive training. In Ephesians, Paul uses the familiar reference of the ever present lurking Roman soldiers. A sword at that time would be a quick, easily accessible defense weapon, but today we might think of a gun. A gun can be a powerful tool for defending against evil, but we know of too many times it has been used to perpetuate evil. Sadly, we can say that about the Word of God too. “Improper, careless, or rebellious use of the Bible causes pain, harm, and spiritual damage.” (
In the Army we say, “Stay alert, Stay alive.” It’s good advice for all of us. The devil is going to use scripture against us. He twists it just enough to be out of line with what it truly means. Just as I trained with the M-16 in the Army or Romans with a sword, we all need to train and secure our knowledge of the Sword of the Spirit. We need to arm ourselves from the armory of God that He so generously supplies. He gives us salvation as a helmet to protect our minds and the sword of the spirit – God’s word – to protect our hearts. So today, make sure you are wearing clothes, tie your shoes, pick up and don your helmet and Sword, and go with God to slay the day!