Great Salt Lake, UT from the air
Isaiah 43:1 ESV
I have called you by name, you are mine.
One of my favorite quotes is, “How cool is it that the same God that created mountains and oceans and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you too.” This quote is recorded as unknown. That is, it’s unknown to us. God knows. Another favorite quote of mine is from Charlie Brown about Pig Pen on the Peanuts Christmas Special. He says, “Don’t think of it as dust. Think of it as maybe the soil of some great past civilization. Maybe the soil of ancient Babylon. It staggers the imagination. He may be carrying soil that was trod upon by Solomon, or even Nebuchadnezzar.” With so many people on this earth, people that are gone, alive today, coming in the future, we are numbered like specks of dust. Yet, amazingly, God knows each and every one of us by name. And to quote Pig Pen’s response to Charlie Brown, “Sort of makes you want to treat me with more respect, doesn’t it?”