Trees of Mystery, Klamath, CA
Luke 1:37 ESV
For nothing will be impossible with God.
The Redwoods in California have stories to tell. Some of the trees alive today were growing when Jesus walked the earth. Despite an impressive 2000+ age, these live trees are not even the oldest living trees on earth. Still, Redwoods do rack up some pretty impressive statistics like being the tallest trees, and being capable of making their own rain. A slice of a fallen Redwood tree has been labeled with historical events using the tree’s rings. This tree history lesson gives us a glimpse of the greatness of God. A stoic tree that stood witness to the rise and fall of empires, of wars and peace, and disasters and advancements. Yet, not one thing of all history surprised God. And not one thing that happens tomorrow or 1000 years from now will surprise God. The creator of the Redwoods and the entire universe handpicked you to be in existence at this very moment in time. When we pray, we have to understand that we don’t know how our desires actually fit into His plan. A “no” answer doesn’t mean God is saying, “I can’t.” It means, “I love you, and trust me, I know how this story goes!”