Pastor Breck Boyd, pastor at The Resting Place, Sisters, OR

Pastor Breck Boyd, pastor at The Resting Place, Sisters, OR
This I Know
This quote reminded me of the day a teacher took a paper heart and violently crumpled into a tight wad in front of her class. Then she opened it back up and tried to smooth it out, but of course the wrinkles were still in the paper. She said, “You can never take back the…
Joy to the world; the Lord is come;Let Earth receive her King;Let ev’ry heart prepare him room,And heav’n and nature sing. Joy to the Earth, the Savior reigns;Our mortal songs employ,While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains,Repeat the sounding joy. No more let sins and sorrows grow,Nor thorns infest the ground;He comes to make…
Venus Over the South Sister, Three Sisters, OR Born in 1643, Sir Isaac Newton was mathematician, physicist, astronomer, alchemist, and many people don’t realize, a theologian. He is most famously known for his work with gravity, laws of motion, and mathematics.
My Friend My friend, I stand in judgment nowAnd feel that you are to blame somehow.On earth I walked with you by dayAnd never did you point the way.You knew the Lord in truth and gloryBut never did you tell the story.My knowledge then was very dim,You could have led me safe to Him.Though we…
Thank you Lord for you Amazing Grace!