Deuteronomy 1:31 GNT
And in the desert. You saw how he brought you safely all the way to this place, just as a father would carry his son.
Often as a child, I would walk in the pasture with my dad and check the cows. During a storm, a hickory tree had toppled, but about six feet up leaving a rather inviting runway for a kid. As I started to climb up the trunk, my dad positioned himself at the highest point and said with his outstretched arms, “Jump!” Like the Israelites in the wilderness had a hard time trusting God, I had a hard time trusting my dad. Because the Israelites hesitated, hem-hawed, and flat out didn’t trust God, a journey that could have been completed in approximately eleven days took forty years. Although I wasn’t stuck in the tree for forty years, my lack of trust significantly slowed our journey. I know my dad was frustrated at my faltering trust, but nevertheless he patiently waited never putting his outstretched arms down until I finally jumped. And when I did, he was there. He didn’t drop me, didn’t leave me, didn’t throw me back up into the tree, he carried me. How much more our Heavenly Father will do for us if we simply jump into His trust.