Dr. J Vernon McGee was an American ordained Presbyterian minister, pastor, Bible teacher, theologian, and radio minister. Founder of the Thru the Bible program. Thru the Bible is a five-year systematic study of the Bible and is on over 800 radio stations in North America and is broadcast worldwide in more than 130 languages via…
Corrie Ten Boom, author of The Hiding Place and concentration camp survivor
Joy to the world; the Lord is come;Let Earth receive her King;Let ev’ry heart prepare him room,And heav’n and nature sing. Joy to the Earth, the Savior reigns;Our mortal songs employ,While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains,Repeat the sounding joy. No more let sins and sorrows grow,Nor thorns infest the ground;He comes to make…
Max Lucado Max Lucado is pastor of Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas. He is also a speaker, and best-selling author. He shares a message for “the hurting, the guilty, the lonely, and the discouraged: God loves you; let him.”
This I Know