A Love Letter to Jesus
Dear Jesus,
Thank you! God loved me so much He sent You and You loved me so much that You sent your Holy Spirit, but so much selfless love is incomprehensible. Thank you for finding ways to wrap me in that crazy magnanimous love so I can feel it in such palpable ways.
Creator of the Universe, I am incredibly grateful that You come to me in the quiet of the snow and bring my heart supernatural peace. My ears hear your babbling creek merrily singing songs of joy and in the gentle breezes, the trees whisper, “I love you too.”
And the Birds! Oh! The happy riotous chatter of your birds reminds me that You provide for them and how much more You provide for me.
Your mighty power is felt and smelled in the thunder and in the cleansing rain when You are indeed my rock and my shelter. My eyes seek for your rainbows filled with unending promises!
Your sunrise ushers in new and fresh days full of your light that is my guide until the sun sets in glorious arrays of colors, a feast for the eyes before a restoring rest.
Humbly I know, that You, the Creator of the stars and moon decided to create me too. But in my humanness, my heart is crushed because I know I am so unworthy of all this love. Still, You, the Potter, again and again create new in me out of what I rush to crush.
You lift my eyes up, up to the mountains and away from the darkness, and You always will until the day You call me away from this terrestrial boundary.
Oh Lord, my Lord, how I DO love You so.
Your Child, Your Creation